Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin (Iron is a component of Hemoglobin) is a main part of red blood cells which binds oxygen. If you have too few or abnormal red blood cells or hemoglobin, the cells in your body can not get enough oxygen. Symptoms of anemia -- like fatigue and reduced body immunity -- occur because organs cannot get what they need to function properly. There are many types of anemia. All are very different in their causes and treatments. Iron deficiency anemia, the most common type, is very treatable with iron supplements.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Anemia?
A: Anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks of healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. Hemoglobin (Iron is a component of Hemoglobin) is a main part of red blood cells which binds oxygen. If you have too few or abnormal red blood cells or hemoglobin, the cells in your body can not get enough oxygen. Symptoms of anemia -- like fatigue and reduced body immunity -- occur because organs cannot get what they need to function properly. There are many types of anemia. All are very different in their causes and treatments. Iron deficiency anemia, the most common type, is very treatable with iron supplements.
Q: What is iron deficiency anemia and what are the causes?
A: Iron is an important element for making haemoglobin - the oxygen-carrying protein in your blood. If you have a shortage, or deficiency, of iron in your body, your bone marrow will make small red blood cells that don't contain enough haemoglobin. These red blood cells can't carry enough oxygen to your organs and tissues. This leads to iron deficiency anemia.
Causes of iron deficiency anemia include:
Loss of blood, e.g. heavy menstruation, gastrointestinal bleeding
Diet, e.g. unbalanced diet and vegetarianism
Absorption problems, e.g. digestive system diseases
Pregnancy & lactation (unborn babies/infants need iron for growth)
Q: What are the symptoms of Iron Deficiency Anemia?
A: Symptoms of Iron deficiency anemia include:
Lack of concentration
Lower body immunity
Increased heart rate
Dry skin
Loss of appetite
Brittle hairs and nails
Q: How to treat and prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia?
A: Doctors usually prescribe iron supplements, such as ferrous sulphate and Iron (III) - hydroxide Polymaltose Complex tablets for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. Iron supplements make up for the shortage of iron and will then build up your body's stores of iron back to the normal level.
In order to reduce the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia, a balanced diet which contains plenty of iron is essential.
Good sources of iron include:
Black fungus
Green vegetables
Dried fruit
Pulses, e.g. chick peas and lentils
Besides, vitamin C is known to help the absorption of iron, so you are suggested to take foods containing vitamin C at the same time as eating iron-rich foods. Good sources of vitamin C include oranges and kiwifruit, etc.