Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease associated with the degeneration of the cartilages. In a healthy joint, there is a balance between the production and breakdown of hyaluronic acid, which provides lubricating and protecting properties of the synovial fluid. In a joint affected by OA, hyaluronic acid is being broken down more rapidly than it is produced. Synovial fluid becomes watery and its lubricating and protecting properties are lost. Cartilage in the joint gradually wears off and this causes pain, stiffness and swelling of the joint. Other factors that may lead to OA include aging, gender, weight and previous joint injuries.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Osteoarthritis?
A: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease associated with the degeneration of the cartilages. In a healthy joint, there is a balance between the production and breakdown of hyaluronic acid, which provides lubricating and protecting properties of the synovial fluid. In a joint affected by OA, hyaluronic acid is being broken down more rapidly than it is produced. Synovial fluid becomes watery and its lubricating and protecting properties are lost. Cartilage in the joint gradually wears off and this causes pain, stiffness and swelling of the joint. Other factors that may lead to OA include aging, gender, weight and previous joint injuries.
Q: What are the symptoms of Osteoarthritis?
A: The most common symptoms are stiffness, pain and swelling of the joint. Pain usually occurs after doing exercise, e.g., after walking, going up or down stairs or moving heavy objects. Patients may also experience pain during cold or rainy seasons.
Q: What are the treatment options of Osteoarthritis?
Maintaining proper body weight. Patients should take rest when feeling pain in the joint. Heat/cold therapy and joint protection bandage can also reduce stresses in the joint.
The objective of using medications is to relieve pain and inflammation but they did not cure the degenerative joint. Current drug treatments include analgesics and pain relief ointments. More intensive treatment includes NSAIDs which exert both analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. However, side effects such as gastric irritation, stomach bleeding and kidney function impairment may occur in the long term use of these drugs. Thus, most NSAIDs must be used under doctors’ prescription.
Intra-articular corticosteroids are also used to treat OA. Pain can be relieved but corticosteroids may worsen the degeneration of cartilage.
Intra-articular sodium hyaluronate is an effective and natural treatment option for OA with less adverse events. It replenishes hyaluronic acids in OA joints, improving the synovial fluid with better lubricating effect.
In the case of severe joint deformity, surgical management such as joint replacement may be required.
Q: Can I receive other medications while having any intra-articular sodium hyaluronate treatment?
A: The intra-articular sodium hyaluronate injections provided by our company do not have any known interaction with other medications, so it can be administered simultaneously with other drugs. Therefore, patients treated with our intra-articular sodium hyaluronate can take some analgesics before onset of the effect.
Q: Are there any precautions to be taken during intra-articular sodium hyaluronate treatment?
A: For some patients, swelling of the joint and/or local pain may occur after the injection. Such symptoms are transient and will disappear in a few hours. Patients should take more rest and avoid doing exercise during the first day or two after the injection.